Friday, May 25, 2018

Emptying the Bucket

Carthaginian Plastic Pile
Taking the bit between my teeth I am starting to work on the bucket list projects. Today I picked up a pile of figures for my Carthaginian army. I already have a lot of the Pyric and Romans figures, so this is the next force. I have never had a Carthaginian force in any scale, which is very odd since this is my favorite ancient’s army. Once I get around to this project they will be first on the painting table. 
Perry Union Artillery Battery for Longstreet
I have already painted a full Union force for Longstreet, so adding the Confederates is simple project, especially since I have had Perry plastic figures to do just that for years. Of note is the first figure I ever painted was of a Reb. I never have played the southerners, as my personally family history is all about the “Boys in Blue”. Seems natural from a group of folks that lived in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York. 
Fireforge Archers and Spearmen
The third group is the big thing in my gaming world now. At the beginning of May I started work on my Medieval project. I have a goal of 200 figures painted by September and have made a start. This is all for a campaign I plan to run in October. With that said, it is time to give the keyboard a rest and get back to my painting.

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