Monday, October 1, 2018

I Have Not Been Idle

Even though I have not posted in a few months I have been regularly painting and witting for my games.

Games Workshop has been my big distraction/bane this summer. I have purchased and worked on four new games, Age of Sigmar, Kill Team, Adeptus Titanicus and The Lord of the Rings. In the case of the later it is not so much new, as a continuation on my collection. So far all I have really done with most is assemble models and terrain. My Warlord Titan did get some basic painting done, with only Lord of the Rings getting figures finished. 

I finished my first mounted knights of Gondor. Hard to believe, but I never owned any before this release, even though the collection started over seventeen years ago. They will serve double duty as both troops for my Good Folks for Lord of the Rings and as knights for my medieval campaign.

Knights of Gondor

My gaming buddy Bob reminded me of another project that I have left sitting for nine years. The Quar. These are best described as World War I anteaters. Yup, you read that right. Anteaters. He finished his troops years ago while mine have hit the painting cue numerous times I never did start them. His threat to sell his off got me off my butt and painting. More on that project later.

Quar 1st Section

Close up of Coftyran Rhyfler
On the writing end I have added more rules for the Medieval Campaign and will be posting them soon. I also had a major epiphany on colonial gaming campaigns. I am creating a whole matrix for operational choices for both natives and empire builders. These will lead to a combination of scenarios and unique victory points. The key goal here will be winning Heart and Minds. I expect to be able to use this in both my 1890s campaigns and Twilight 2000.

 My painting should be moving ahead at a good pace again once I am past the big auction here and my own personal post auction clean up. My painting table is a nightmare of projects and I need to clean space and get myself focused for the finishing projects by the end of year.