Otherwhen in its Current Full Glory
This year has tossed me several unprecedented changes one of which is having my eyes rebuilt. For the most part this is a wonderful improvement allowing me to see better than I have in over a half century, but it came with a major unforeseen issue that I can not see up close the way I have in the past, even with corrective eye wear. What this means is I must relearn how to paint. Complicated figures or painting patterns are outside my skills for now, so I went back to the simplest figures I had to recover with, these being my Toy Soldiers.
New 12 Figure Otherwhen Unit in Line
Having made this decision there are two unexpected effects with which I am now dealing. First is this painting will increase my “Collection.” I chose this word deliberately as I discovered that my formally “Practical” force, which being enough figures to play normal size games I host, was going to become larger purely for my own gratification, thus changing from being just gaming to collecting. The second was if I want to ever use this many figures in games, I needed to simplify the rules I use. Neither of these is a bad thing, but both require me rethink goals.
New Otherwhen 12 Figure Unit in Column
Organization: I am now looking at going from games of three to four players per side to ultimately nine players per side. The new organization for this is going to be in steps, the beginning being to switch brigades from four regiments down to only three, then adding a Light Cavalry Brigade of six squadrons of lancers and hussars and rearranging where artillery was allocated. This would bring me to three full infantry brigades and a light and heavy cavalry brigade along with Corp artillery for six players per side.The full future expansion was to bring all six infantry brigades up to four regiments of infantry and a battery of artillery, with each division adding a light cavalry squadron. A Light Cavalry Brigade of four squadrons, which would go from six figures to twelve and a Heavy Cavalry Brigade of six squadrons. Both cavalry brigades would also be gaining a Flying Battery of horse artillery. The Corp Reserve would go to three batteries of heavy artillery and two flying batteries of horse artillery. Commanders would increase to ten with six infantry, two cavalry, a Corp artillery, and a Commander-in-Chief.
Nodd 3 Regiment Brigade With Artillery and Hussars
Rules: These need combat simplification and command restructuring. Combat will likely combine with morale something like Command and Colors systems, while command will likely change to limited unit activation per turn with players still having a reserve order pool to improve results. C-in-Cs will likely add command improvement cards that they can assign or hold to implement themselves. I have many general thought but few actual rules right now. Critical to my thinking is that players will still be able to do more rather than less as I retain my view of game design being that players want to be rewarded, not penalized in their game play.
Otherwhen 3 Regiment Brigade With Artillery and Lancers |
New Nodd Division |
New Otherwhen Division
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