Tuesday, May 5, 2020


In my games each time a unit has been routed in a game I permanently note it by placing a group of red poppies on the back of one of the bases. If it has performed some heroic action, I note that with a purple flower. This provides a quick visual reference of the past performance of units. Rather than being disappointed by a group’s loss, I think of it as showing their metal by performing their duty and are deserving of memorialization.  
The Honored Dead From the Half Day Road Battle

The Empire Lord Saluki's Hussars, Shepardton's Lights, and Converged Grenadier

Union Artillery, Softpad's Dragoon, Houndtooth's, Wolfingham's and Whinestein's Line Infantry, Converged Grenadiers


  1. This is brilliant reminds me of Charles Grant and Donald Featherstone

  2. That is a high complement indeed.

    Thank you
