Wednesday, April 22, 2020


The Setting

After a score of years with their grievances to high  taxes, unfair trade policies, lack of true representation in the Imperial Council, and inequality under the laws, the Union of the Packs of the Commonwealth regions had had enough. In the winter of 1761, they declared independence from the Wolfenstein Empire. Everyone knew the Empire would attempt to bring the rebels back into the fold--by force if necessary--but would have to wait for good weather.

The Union knew there were too many bridges across the Plains River to be able to guard them all, so set about destroying the places it could not control. The Willow Road Bridge was one of these, and while the Union did not expect any opposition, prudence dictated sending an armed escort.

The Empire had spent the winter scouting for the best invasion points into the Union. Some, like the city of The Plains were going to be heavily defended, so finding an undefended crossing point to launch a flanking maneuver was decided on. Willow Road provided a good network to travel on and the bridge across the Plains River was wide and strong enough to handle the largest, heaviest artillery and wagons. It was decided to send a reconnaissance in force to capture the bridge in preparation of the main forces crossing. 
The Battle Field Looking West at the Top

The Union General Baysmoon had started his force off just before dawn. On arriving at the objective around seven in the morning, his engineer informed him that it would take his group about five hours to prepare the bridge for destruction. Baysmoon set them immediately onto their task while he went off to the local tavern to have breakfast, leaving his second in command, General Hunter to oversee the troops in his absence. Returning just after nine, he noticed a cloud of dust on the horizon. General Hunter, who had been observing the same dust from atop the nearby hill, quickly road down to his commander. “It would seem we are in for a show today. What are your orders Sir?”

With the enemy approaching, the Union forces cross the bridge to take up a defensive position on the hills to the east and form a blocking force across the main road.
Union Forces Headed to the East

Seeing the unexpected enemy in their defensive positions, Imperial General Sir Arfer sends his cavalry to both flanks while his infantry begins arriving along the road. Knowing time is critical, he launches his cavalry on the attack--not waiting for his infantry support--expecting that his quality and weight of numbers will carry them to victory. The outcome is not what he expected. Both sides’ battle cavalry force their opponents to retreat, while the Union’s Spitz’s Hussars easily defeat Lord Saluki’s Hussars. Their success is short lived as the Hussar’s lively charge carries them into the fire of the Empires light infantry causing Spitz;s forces to retreat.

Empire's Lord Pawling's Cuirassier Clash with the Union Snifferbutt's Dragoons

Light Cavalry Clash. Once Old Friend Meet in Combat for the First Time. 
Spitz's Hussars on the Left, Empire's Saluki's the Right
However indecisive the cavalry battle, it buys time for the Empire’s infantry to deploy and begin the general advance. A fire fight erupts across the whole line and the Union finds itself needing to give ground to prevent the battle line being flanked. The slow progress allows both sides’ cavalry to recover and reenter the fight. This time the Union’s Snifferbutt’s Dragoon rout the Empire’s Beggin’s Dragoon. This allowed them to make the significant contribution to the infantry assault that otherwise would have left the Union’s last line infantry alone against three opponents. 
Empire Shepardton's Lights Skirmishing with the Union Battle Line

With the Union forces pressed against the river, the Empire launched the decisive assault across the entire line. Victory would see them capture the bridge, but it was not yet to be. Both sides’ infantry were routed while Snifferbutt’s dragoons were victorious. The Empire still had one more trick in its bag. Launching the recovered Lord Pawling’s Cuirassier into a charge, with the support of the Shepardton’s Light Infantry, they routed the dragoon’s but were themselves routed. This removed all Union opposition from the east side of the bridge with most of the Union forces in a near state of collapse. During this whole time, the Union engineers had been working. Even with all the coming and going, through their Herculean effort the bridge had been mined. The fuse was lit, it burned, then sputtered, when suddenly, just as the Pawling’s Light Infantry neared the bridge, it exploded in a spectacular display. Miraculously all the Union troops had made it back west of the river before the bridge’s destruction. Tired and worn, the Union forces made a hasty withdrawal as the Empire troops could only watch.
The Empire's Assault. Out Numbering the Enemy 2-to-1 What Could go Wrong?

The Infantry on Both Side Retreating. Odds are Still in the Empires Favor

All the Union Forces Retreated to the West the Shepardton Lights Watch as the Bridge Over the Plains River Explodes. 

The game went well as most of the time my opinion kept shifting as to which side I felt had the upper hand. The Empire took the maximum time to reach the battlefield. They were hindered by a few low activity turns, yet they came within a moment of winning the game. The Union cavalry are the heroes of the day, especially Colonel Snifferbutt’s Dragoons. At every critical moment, the cavalry force rose to the occasion. Getting Admirable command results, allowed them to make double moves to get to critical positions and fight well above the average.

Overall, it was a close game with both armies being just short of the breaking point. I really thought I had myself handily beat a couple of times, only to see critical reversals take place. The next battle will be the Crossing Point.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


For this world, I had a few basic requirements. First, names would be in English or simple German. I wanted everything to be pronounceable. Second, personal names were going to be based on dog sounds as much as my imagination would allow. Later I went with breeds and activities when I ran out of steam on sounds. Third, locations were going to be local as this was my personal game. This required me to change some names to English from their French, or Native American ones. It also required me to find original street names as I was not about to use things like Martin Luther King or Eisenhower.
Wolfenstein Empire Forces on Parade

The Union of Pacts of the Commonwealth Forces

The Principality of Mutt Troops


For a very long time I have wanted to play the Programmed Wargames Scenarios by Charles Stewart Grant. I have owned the book for decades along with the companion Scenarios for Wargames, which for decades I have used in many periods, but I had never played the solo version of these. Last year I decided that I would build a force specifically for this purpose and, after many rules and figure debates, decided on Honours of War (HoW) for the rules and Alternative Armies Pudigrochumsburg dogmen in tricorns for my troops. This was going to be an ImagiNation world.

I chose the HoW rules because they use a dice activation system for Command and Control that provides additional constraints on possible actions. This was important to me in solo gaming. I also simply like the rules and the results they give, especially the opportunity to reorganize spent units, as for me the more command options in a game, the better I like it.

I picked the AA figures because I really like what the company does, even if they are nonhistorical. Additionally, they provide a painting service that is very good and priced right. Given the size of the project of around 900-1000 figures, I did not want to wait years for other services, or decades for me to stay motivated long enough to paint all of these. I have worked with them for decades and I knew they would also get things right. I do have a personal set of figures I am doing for this project, but that will be for a later post.

With rules and figures decided on, I next needed a campaign idea to set the scenarios in. My idea is to use a simple ladder campaign of taking the results of the last game to decide on the scenario for the following game and who would be attacking and defending. I can then go through the scenario book and pick an A or B possibility for the next game based on the winner. The rest would all be story arc to keep me entertained by what was going to happen next.

To get the best use out of the figures, I decided on three factions. The first would be the largest having the biggest concentration of all arms. The second would be the primary opponent having nearly as much infantry, but only half the artillery and cavalry. The third would be the forces used to augment the needs of the other two forces in any scenario. It had half the infantry of the others and an equal amount of cavalry and artillery as the second force. Each force was named and a general uniform was chosen. The primary is the Wolfenstein Empire in white uniforms loosely based on Austria. The second was the Union of Packs of the Commonwealth in blue uniforms. The third is the Principality of Mutt in red uniforms based somewhat on Hannover.

The Wolfenstein Empire

The Union of Pacts of the Commonwealth

The Principality of Mutt

Thursday, April 2, 2020


Like most of the US I am under the Stay at Home order, so I am dedicating more time to game projects, specifically my Dog Wars. I was lucky that my latest units arrived just before the shutdown. I have been basing and creating flags, names, maps and the various other bits needed to run a campaign. I have now completed enough units to start playing games, but before I get to that I thought I would put some of the units on parade. Without further ado, here are some the Empire of Wolfenstein’s forces.

Wolfenstein Empire Banners

Empire Woofing's Battalion
Union of Packs Commonwealth Shakesalot's Rangers

I will be adding more unit pictures and an AAR of the Battle of Willow Road Bridge in the coming days as time permits.