Saturday, February 29, 2020


This is an odd day since it only comes around once every four years and I wanted to take the opportunity to use it for something special. This is the first post on the beginning of my Dog Wars project.

For over thirty-five years I have wanted to have a collection of figures to game out all the scenarios from Charles S. Stewarts Wargames Scenarios and Programed Scenarios books. This is the start of this project. 
The first Brigade based with both artillery and light infantry in support. This is the first three line regiments lead by their converged grenadiers. 

When completed there will be twenty-four infantry regiments, eight regiments each of cuirassier, dragoons, and hussars, six light infantry regiments, eights batteries of medium and four batteries of heavy artillery. These are all based and organized for the Osprey Honours of War rules. Ah, the joys of a wildly ambitious project.

Monday, February 3, 2020

A New Year and New Projects.

Well 2019 has come and gone and I did get some work on older projects done. Now with the New Year I am adding a few more games to my list of goal.

The National Flags for Dog Wars

The BIG PROJECT: The Dog Wars for Honours of War (HoW). This is my 28mm Seven Years War ImagiNation project. This one is really big with twenty-four battalions of infantry and an additional four full battalions, or seven small of converged grenadier. Along with them will be eight regiments each of cuirassier, dragoons, hussars, plus eight batteries of artillery with their limbers. This was supposed to be done for the Holidays this past year, but inevitable delays came up. Things are well on track now.

A Very British Civil War 15mm Vehicles

Next up will be A Very British Civil War in 15mm. I found a bargain on some early war British and French tankettes, armored cars and tanks. I will be ordering figures to go with this sometime this Spring. This is a project I have been working the rules, campaign and organization on for several years. Time to pull the trigger and make this a game.

6mm Byzantines

Close up of the 6m infantry

Later in the year I will be revisiting 6mm ancient. Primarily this will be the Byzantines and Sassasnids, but it is just as likely to get a Tony Bath Hyborean treatment. I will most likely be writing my own rules for this. I also suspect that 28mm ancients will also rise like a phoenix with two companies creating new lines for Archimedean Persians.

Games Workshop will be dipping into my wallet with the release of the reimagined High Elves, the Lumineth Aelves. I have always had a fondness for the pointy eared troops and the new sculpting for this line is amazing. Everything but my back account can’t wait.  

Song of Ice and Fire Lannister Halberd

The rest of the goals are to continue, I never complete any of these as I am always adding on, with the main project of last year. These being adding to the Toy Soldiers, adding vehicles and infantry to my WWII 6mm forces, along with finishing play testing my rules. Painting up more of my medieval period 28mm thing, Lord of the Rings (LotR), Song of Ice and Fire (SIF), and 12th century medieval. I have no delusions that all these things will get finish. They won’t. Nor that these are all my new projects. I know there will be things coming out throughout the year that will sing their sirens song and tempt me down another path.

Now back to basing 28mm figures.